Sunday, July 26, 2009


I’ve always admired the beauty of the Korean traditional dress, the Hanbok. It’s simple, yet very elegant. And it is very versatile that you can use it as a semi-formal or formal attire during celebrations and festivals. And, recently, new designs have been created to transform the hanbok to a more suitable and comfortable everyday wear, the more it has contributed to its versatility. The beauty of the hanbok lies in the harmonious blend of its color and design as well as the straight and curved lines.

The woman’s outfit consists of a jogori, which is a short blouse with a long sleeve and a chima or a wrap around long skirt . It also has a dongjeong, or a white collar attachéd along the rim of the neckline and an otgoreum, or a cloth string, which is an ornamental piece which hangs vertically across the front of the chima.

While for men, the hanbok comprises of a baji, a baggy pants tied at the ankle, and also a jogori, but in a shape of a vest. Both hanboks can be topped by an overcoat called durumagi.

In the past, only the nobles are allowed to use brightly colored hanboks which were made of plain and patterned silk, while the commoners were restricted to using white, pale pink, light grey colored hanboks made of hemp and cotton. Now-a-days, white colored hanboks are used only by people who are in a state of mourning.

When it comes to price, hanboks are quite expensive though, it can start at around US$175 and cost more depending on the design, quality of the silk used, embroidery and decorations.

If in Korea, and your budget allows it, the hanbok would be a very good souvenir item from the Land of the Morning Calm.

Just like kimch, hanbok is an indelible symbol of Korea.


aljon said...

quite expensive but i guess it will be worth it

arjhay said...

so that's what they call the korean dress.

kobe_bear said...

it is a bit expensive but i'm pretty sure it will be worth it. yes, they call it hanbok

Unknown said...

really looks elegant

kobe_bear said...

it is very elegant

joy said...

so that's what a hanbok is

kobe_bear said...

yes, hanbok is the traditional korean dress

Unknown said...

I wore a hanbok at my son's wedding in Daejeon three weeks ago. Worked for me.

kobe_bear said...

the hanbok is really very versatile. one can use it for formal, semi-formal or casual attire.